Tongue, Brain or what??

A man in ancient times called James once warned us about our tongue calling it the main tool for talking and about how we should bridle it, that is harness it so it does not say inappropriate, nasty , untrue and such like things.

However,  Saviour  said it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. This means that it is what is in the heart that comes out when we speak . If the heart is evil, we speak evil and if the heart is good we speak well.

Another man also in ancient times Solomon  advises us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it springs the issues of life. I think this buttresses what Jesus said. The fact that he used the word ‘spring” gives the impression that the stuff just comes out almost uncontrollably.

The scientists tell us that  what we say ultimately comes  from the brain which is synthesising what we know and have heard . Yes, the tongue is instrumental to getting the sound out but it is the ears, the mind/heart and the brain that we need to keep in check. This sounds more difficult not so?

Therefore gossip , backbiting , lying, arguing etc is actually us , (the real us in our heads) who need to have more control than we have. In order to help ourselves, we should, as Solomon says, watch what we listen to. It does not matter who you are , if you fill your mind with horrible stuff, it is horrible stuff that will come out when you open your mouth, (or express yourself).

If you listen to a type of music all the time you will begin to believe whatever the songs say whether or not they are true. Musicians are writing about their own beliefs and lives, not necessarily the truth. We must remember that. Listen deliberately to things because once you expose your ears to stuff it enters into you and takes root.Even when you leave that environment the stuff has taken root and will grow and grow and speech is one of the ways it comes out.

The real tongue is therefore just the symbol of how we get stuff out of our minds/hearts. So for instance talking is not only through the mouth. It is also by behaviour, writing , animation to mention a few. James said in his writing that the tongue (and I am going to say here the totality of our expressions can change the course of destiny or even set fires.

So, for example, a young man from a certain background where he is taught and hears all the time that he is better or worse than another race is going to act and talk in a certain way completing believing what he grew up hearing.What did you grow up hearing and how is it shaping what you “say” now?

Okay, I have heard all kinds of things , how do I get rid of them and reprogram my head/ The first thing is to realise that I have been listening to the wrong thing. One way of quickly knowing this is how people react to what you say. If it is a negative or positive reaction review what you have said. As you review this also review the people you hang out with. Are they people who encourage you and want you to succeed or people who always put you down. Are they people that you want to emulate their lifestyles or you are just hanging with them because you grew up together?

We all need to be to take some truths on board. Before you let out what is on your inside , be quiet for a while and think. We all know the saying that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. Seriously it is better to be quiet on many issues until you know that what you are saying makes sense. Sometimes you don’t even need to say anything at all.

What we say is important and how we say it is even more so.All this can be orchestrated in your thinking, which is why the truth that you should pause before you speak is a truth that if embraced will set you free.

What is your opinion and how many people do you think wants it? Many people want to hear the truth and not your opinion. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying don’t give  your opinion , just think it through and be sure it makes sense. I used to pride myself as being a look you in the eye and say the truth sort of person. I have since realised this did not make many people happy and quite who died and made me defender, prosecutor, judge and jury. not in all situations do we need to jump in and give our advice. It may only seem appropriate and not actually be.

What you say is important for how your life turns out. I am not saying in the weird way of calling things to yourself I mean they way you talk and what you endears people who are ready to help you or be your friend or want to listen to you that leads on and on to good things. James says what you say can start a fire.

What we express also depends on how we are feeling, our emotions and circumstances. We need to take all this into consideration before you speak. Practice not speaking off the cuff and you will see that your communication will become great. Take note when you are not of your best, maybe early in the morning and be even more careful what you say then. When we are not at our best people tend to be grumpy and speak without thinking it through.

So, for example, my last post had typos that I usually try to make sure I don’t have. it was mainly because I have been travelling across time zones, was jet lagged and was not in the right state of mind. Imagine if not having typos was a matter of life and death. (Now I have downloaded software to help me check the typos ets).

Many people are so good with quick retorts and then regret what we said. It is better not to quickly respond and leave things unsaid than to say it and regret it. I am repeating myself, it is for emphasis.

As for the gossip and rumour mongering, the truth that this is getting so old fashioned . You know of course that if you gossip with someone that person is going to gossip about you. You can only pedal rumours for a while before people cotton on to you and isolate you.There is also the golden rule of doing as you want people to do to you.

All this talk is only for people who want make it to the top. Not those who plan to live in the mundane and mediocre. The real housewives of whatever are not reality. No real people have happy lives backbiting and gossiping if they are going to be truthful.

The bottom line is that we should speak after we have thought. Utilise our brains when we want to express ourselves. Yes, some of what we know may affect our interpretation and expression but as we practise thinking about what we want to express we will end discovering the truth while we mix with the right people for us.

If you have been reading my blog posts you will know that I am all for fulfilling destiny. This life journey is not about smart answers or sharp retorts. We have a mission to accomplish and we must equip ourselves to ensure we can accomplish our mission.

Thanks again for reading and I hope there is a real take away from this post.

Have a great week end.












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